Tuesday, December 9, 2008
-12/09 2 Day Sale ends at midnight today
-12/15 Deadline for non personalized party or retail orders
-12/19 Deadline to sign up for January Regional Conferences ($45; receive lunch, t-shirt, free Spring product, valuable training)
-12/20 Local Florida Holiday Party in Clearwater; 4:30pm
-12/31 Deadline to sell $500 and earn a new Spring Bowtie Purse for FREE
-5/22/09 Deadline for National Conference (located at Walt Disney World). Sell at least $1,500 each month and earn $50 in Conference Dollars to use at conference)
** All details can be found at www.thirtyonetoday.com (user id: consultant31, password: dream31)
Company Statistics- November
Amazing things happened with Thirty-One during the month of November. Per my weekly Director Call with Cindy Monroe check out these incredible stats!!!
Total Company Sales:
Number of New Dreambuilder Signups:
Guest Show Average:
Number of Active Consultants:
Number of Selling Consultants:
Number of Directors:
Consultants Selling $2,000+:
November Team Recognition
WOW, what an incredible November we had!!! Way to go on an awesome month.
Overall Team Sales:
$22, 692.93
Overall Dreabuilder Signups:
Consultants with sales over $1,000:
Ami Beery $1,008.49
Theresa Patch $1, 308.10
Yvette Musgrove $1 312.60
Kari Solomon $1,362.20
Catheleen Halfmann $1,697.62
Lori Potter $1,755.70
Amanda Berglund $1,774.15
Kim Washington $3, 139.35
Consultants with 2+ Dreambuilders:
Jen Tufford 2
Kim Washington 4
Consultants who earned the FREE Spring Thermal Tote:
Jeannie Poon
Robynne Moreno
Marisa Primozic
Jen Tufford
Valerie Matthews
Michelle Peacock
Jen Alfieri
Jessica Lambert
Taryn Homick
Ami Beery
Theresa Patch
Yvette Musgrove
Kari Solomon
Catheleen Halfmann
Lori Potter
Amanda Berglund
Kim Washington
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Team Conference Call Notes-11/22/08
Thank you to those of you who participated on our call today. Unfortunately, it would not allow me to record the call so below are some highlights.
**On time raffle winner: Lynette Kordos
Kim's October Team Sales: $26,693.85
What an INCREDIBLE month for those of you who worked your business in October!!
Top Sales Consultant:
"HOT Tamales" Catheleen Halfmann-$4, 393.65
Consultant Sales over $1,000:
Lori Potter: $2,795.80
Jessica Lambert: $2,483.62
Jen Alfieri: $1,067.20
Theresa Patch: $1,019.10
Yvette Musgrove: $1,717.75
Ami Beery: $1,004.22
Kim Washington" $2, 568.52
Top Dreambuilder:
Ami Beery=3
Kim Washington-3
OctoberStats from Cindy Monroe:
Guest Show Average: $461
# Active Consultants: 2979
#Selling Consultants: 1668
# October Signups: 299
#Directors: 88
-Regional Conference: Tampa Bay location January 10th
See additional details for other locations and for sign up at www.thirtyonetoday.com
-National Conference: June 21st-23rd at Walt Disney World. Details at www.thirtyonetoday.com
- Holiday Deadlines:
12/5 for personalized party or retail orders
12/15 for non-personalized party or retail orders
-New embroidery process- We have software that will efficiently and effectively personalize our products. We will have 100 machines by end of year. Orders will be shipped out faster and personalization size more consistent.
-New consultants can pay $99 kit price upfront or have option to pay in 3 monthly installments if they sign up in November or December. First payment will have the $8 shipping fee and tax. Additional 2 installments will be $33 plus tax.
-If you want a one on one coaching call with me please email or call me to set up an appointment.
-My office hours: Monday - Friday, 10am-4pm. Appointments can be made for after hours.
-December/January specials posted on www.thirtyonetoday.com
Training 1:
"Using Relationships to Get Them to Call You Back"
(taken from Sarah Robinson's feature article through the Direct Selling Leaders Group)
Why Don't They Call Me Back?
First, what do you say in your message on the 5th call? Um, hi, this is Sally and I, um am still trying to reach you......
Second, are you giving them a compelling reason to call you back?It is going to take more than just a call me back before I call you strategy.
Third, do you make contact when you are not trying to sell them something? Meaning, do you call with just a helpful tip or to say Happy Birthday with no sales message?
And lastly, how do you bring your contact system under control so that it is warm, friendly and as automated as you can make it so that it does not eat up your time?
There are 2 great tools you can use to help with calls and follow ups: An automated calling system and sending out automated greeting cards (please contact me for more details on these 2 powerful tools that can ease your time)
Training 2:
Overcoming Objections with potential solutions/responses)...samples
1. My house is too small! (Oh yeah I know that feeling. I live in a duplex with a toddler, big husband and a dog and cat. Your friends will enjoy themselves regardless of your home and no one ever cares about the size of the room or the state of the house. They come to have fun.
2. I work fulltime! (So do I. It does not take long to have a party. Only 2 hours. You found time to come to the party)
3. I am new to the area! (Terrific. What a great way to get to know the neighbors. You certainly would know who your friends were after the party)
4. Kids are home! (Bring the kids and let them all play together)
5. I am too busy! (Do a quick party, 15 minute demo, open house)
6. No one would come, I live too far out! (Extend them the invitation and give them a chance to decide. They may be looking for something social to participate in)
Training 3:
12 Recruiting Tips (taken from Courtney's workbook file of training at our September team meeting)
1. One of the first mistakes everyone makes in recruiting was trying to find the one "perfect" recruit, that you overlook the other nine who would also be good in this business.
2. Different people have different qualities. We constantly try to look or listen for those qualities which make a good consultant. Don't look for Miss Perfect.
3. Talk recruiting to everyone, but don't try to recruit everyone. Try to look for women who are outgoing, ambitious, fun-loving, etc.
4. Never recruit with the idea of "what's in it for me". Always be willing to help people with the great opportunity.
5. Don't wait for someone to approach you. Nine times out of ten, they won't.
6. Don't think of recruiting only at parties. Recruits are everywhere you go (like cruises-Jen Tufford!)
7. Listen to their needs and show how our company can be a fit for them.
8. Anytime you find the qualities we look for in a recruit, tell her about them and how they would benefit her with our company.
9. Look for an attractive person but don't let looks deceive you. Look for someone who smiles and can get along with people, who loves the products and believes our company is the best for her.
10. Always let them see this JOB as the business it is, as the career they can develop.
11. Take her with you to a party and let her see how it all works. Show her your profit.
12. Listen to the woman who loves everything, can't afford much, is looking for a job, bored and/or wanting something to do because their children are grown or they want to stay home with their children.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
October 11th Team Meeting Summary
We had such a fun time at our Tricks & Treats team meeting! We did our recognition and WOW what a great September we had. I have a post already with our stats so be sure to check it out if you missed it.
-Ami Beery did training on the Party to Go bag. If you have not purchased one or even 2 of these wonderful bags you may want to put it on your wish list the next time to you order business supplies. These are great fillers for sales and are great for girls on the go Drop one off at the hair salon, dr's office, etc. to get some orders this holiday season. There is a flyer on www.thirtyonetoday.com with the bag contents.
-I did training on Switching Your Perspective (taken from a Thirty-One Minutes call done by Martine Williams) along with creating your 30 Second Commercial (training taken from a Director call with Pam Allert and information from Milo Frank's book," How to get your point across in 30 seconds). If you don't have one of these to go along with your compelling vision you will want to create one. See below for details on what should be included and what the purpose of one is. I have also given you my 30 second commercial.
Why 30 Seconds?
“How to Get Your Point Across in 30 Seconds or Less” by Milo Frank
Thirty seconds may not seem like a long time. But it is long enough to say what you want to say.
· It’s long enough to grab and hold your listeners’ interest and attention.
· It is long enough to convince or persuade your listeners.
· It is long enough to make any point you want to make – and make it effectively.
It can be more valuable than 3 minutes, 30 minutes, or three hours. Thirty seconds can change the direction of your career and your life.
There are two clear and compelling reasons why 30 seconds is the ideal length of time in which to get your point across.
1. Time constraint – not only on yourself, but also on those you are trying to convince. Time waits for no man; you have to move faster just to stay even. And to move faster, you must be concise. Often there’s only time for a few words, so they had better be the right ones.
2. Attention span – thirty seconds is the ideal length of time to get your point across. Even when a person has time to listen to you, his mind can accept only so much information in one steady flow. Think of someone’s attention span as a quarter slot machine. This machine must take in the first twenty-five cents before you can put in the second twenty-five cents. If you put in fifty cents or a dollar bill all at once, you’ll have wasted your money and maybe even jammed the machine. It can only take twenty-five cents at a time. Your listener can take in only 30 seconds at a time. So, if you want your listener to pay attention to you, you’ve got just 30 seconds. That is the attention span of the human race.
Think about it, almost all commercials on television and radio are 30 seconds long. If those 30 second commercials didn’t sell the product whether it’s a refrigerator or a politician seeking votes, the whole concept of radio and television advertising would change. You may be thinking that you can not possibly make your point in such a short time, but commercials do it all the time. They not only grab your attention, but also tell you about the product and where and when to buy it. A lot can be said and retained in 30 seconds. And if radio and television can do it, so can you. Even new stories operate on the 30 second concept. The average news story last a minute and a half. 30 seconds to set up the story, 30 seconds to actually tell the story, and another 30 seconds to summarize and end the story. The 30 second message is always applicable, anytime, anywhere. It will transform the way you think and deal with others every day.
There are some basic principles to the 30 second message –
1. Your Objective – Know what you want
In The Wizard of Oz, Dorothy had an objective. It was to get back home to Kansas. That’s what she told the Scarecrow, the Tin Man, the Cowardly Lion, and finally the wizard himself. She knew what she wanted. The First Basic Principle of the 30-second message is to have a clear-cut objective.
The objective is The Goal, The Destination, The Purpose. It is what you want to achieve. It is why you are there.
What are some of your objectives in your Thirty-One business?
· To sell product
· To book a party
· To recruit
· To introduce your business - network
Most people really don’t know what their objective is. Or they may choose an objective that does not serve their interest or requirements. Only by determining your objective precisely can you take the first step toward getting your point across.
Finding Your Objective
To determine your objective ask yourself the following questions:
· Why am I going there?
· What do I want to achieve?
· Why do I want to have that conversation?
· Why do I want to meet with this person?
· Why do I want this interview?
If two or more of your answers to these questions are the same, you have found your objective. Your objective is your Why. Once your objective is clear – once you know why – you can begin to prepare your message. Balance everything you plan to say against your objective. If your thoughts and words do not introduce, reinforce, or help your objective, go back to the drawing board. And when you know what your objective really is, stick to it.
Let’s think about your Thirty-One business –
1. You are hostess coaching. What is your objective?
· Increase product sales
2. You are at a Trade Show. What is your objective?
· To generate leads
3. You are doing a show presentation. What is your objective?
· Booking parties
· Recruiting
Your objective is your goal, purpose, or destination. It is why you are there. You do not have to state your objective except to yourself.
2. Who’s listening?
Once you have a clear-cut objective, you must then select the right person; someone who can fulfill your objective. Know your listener and what she wants.
· The right person – sometimes you have to talk to the wrong person to get to the right person. In direct sales it’s a number game. Every “yes” has 9 “no’s” behind it. Are you asking for referrals?
· Know who you’re talking to – In order to get your point across in 30 seconds or less, first determine your objective, and second, determine the right person or group of persons who can give you what you want. Then learn all you can about that person or group. Finally, and most important, know what that person or group is going to want from you. (Do you ask your hostesses about the people that will be attending her party?)
Before you begin to prepare your 30-second message, no matter what you want – to book a party, to recruit – you will have to know who will be listening. Identify with your listener. What does she want from you, and what one thing more than any other will get a favorable reaction from her?
Kim Washington's 30 Second Commercial:
I started with Thirty-One two years ago to be able to stay home with my 2 children while being able to provide additional income to my family. This opportunity has allowed me to take my family on 2 cruises, contribute to our monthly mortgage payment and I have been able to get my hair done and buy new outfits without feeling guilty. I enjoy the flexibility of my schedule to work just a couple of nights a week while having a fun time out. My favorite part of Thirty-One is all the great friendships I have made with my hostesses, customers and consultants.
Would you like to be able to stay home with your children?
Could you use an extra $200-$500 a month?
How would you like to earn trips and cash incentives?
As a leader for Thirty-One and a role model for my children I would like to help you and your family achieve your dreams no matter how small or big. Through the mission of Thirty-One, together we will Celebrate, Encourage and Reward eachother and other women while on our amazing Thirty-One journey. Who will be the next to join me?
-Courtney did "Tricks of the Trade" and created a wonderful folder filled with alot of great information on tricks for sponsoring, increasing sales, hostess coaching, etc. We all went through the documents and shared a trick that we especially liked. Some great ideas for bookings included leave a lead box in businesses you go to alot, put catalogs in waiting rooms, look for bulletin boards to leave business cards/flyers and wear a name tag to the grocery store. Sponsoring tricks included identifying personality types for better recruiting using the DISC method.D=Dominant(Confident, Authoritative, Determined), I=Expressive(Cheerful, Talkatie,Influencing), S=Steady Eddy(Quiet, Dependable,Stable), C=Analytical(Good listeners, cautious, reserved).Sales tricks included bundling products at your shows. Drop the price for several items as a group, give 10% off the customer's order if they spend $50 or give free shipping if they spend a certain amount.
-Ami Beery did training on the Party to Go bag. If you have not purchased one or even 2 of these wonderful bags you may want to put it on your wish list the next time to you order business supplies. These are great fillers for sales and are great for girls on the go Drop one off at the hair salon, dr's office, etc. to get some orders this holiday season. There is a flyer on www.thirtyonetoday.com with the bag contents.
-I did training on Switching Your Perspective (taken from a Thirty-One Minutes call done by Martine Williams) along with creating your 30 Second Commercial (training taken from a Director call with Pam Allert and information from Milo Frank's book," How to get your point across in 30 seconds). If you don't have one of these to go along with your compelling vision you will want to create one. See below for details on what should be included and what the purpose of one is. I have also given you my 30 second commercial.
Why 30 Seconds?
“How to Get Your Point Across in 30 Seconds or Less” by Milo Frank
Thirty seconds may not seem like a long time. But it is long enough to say what you want to say.
· It’s long enough to grab and hold your listeners’ interest and attention.
· It is long enough to convince or persuade your listeners.
· It is long enough to make any point you want to make – and make it effectively.
It can be more valuable than 3 minutes, 30 minutes, or three hours. Thirty seconds can change the direction of your career and your life.
There are two clear and compelling reasons why 30 seconds is the ideal length of time in which to get your point across.
1. Time constraint – not only on yourself, but also on those you are trying to convince. Time waits for no man; you have to move faster just to stay even. And to move faster, you must be concise. Often there’s only time for a few words, so they had better be the right ones.
2. Attention span – thirty seconds is the ideal length of time to get your point across. Even when a person has time to listen to you, his mind can accept only so much information in one steady flow. Think of someone’s attention span as a quarter slot machine. This machine must take in the first twenty-five cents before you can put in the second twenty-five cents. If you put in fifty cents or a dollar bill all at once, you’ll have wasted your money and maybe even jammed the machine. It can only take twenty-five cents at a time. Your listener can take in only 30 seconds at a time. So, if you want your listener to pay attention to you, you’ve got just 30 seconds. That is the attention span of the human race.
Think about it, almost all commercials on television and radio are 30 seconds long. If those 30 second commercials didn’t sell the product whether it’s a refrigerator or a politician seeking votes, the whole concept of radio and television advertising would change. You may be thinking that you can not possibly make your point in such a short time, but commercials do it all the time. They not only grab your attention, but also tell you about the product and where and when to buy it. A lot can be said and retained in 30 seconds. And if radio and television can do it, so can you. Even new stories operate on the 30 second concept. The average news story last a minute and a half. 30 seconds to set up the story, 30 seconds to actually tell the story, and another 30 seconds to summarize and end the story. The 30 second message is always applicable, anytime, anywhere. It will transform the way you think and deal with others every day.
There are some basic principles to the 30 second message –
1. Your Objective – Know what you want
In The Wizard of Oz, Dorothy had an objective. It was to get back home to Kansas. That’s what she told the Scarecrow, the Tin Man, the Cowardly Lion, and finally the wizard himself. She knew what she wanted. The First Basic Principle of the 30-second message is to have a clear-cut objective.
The objective is The Goal, The Destination, The Purpose. It is what you want to achieve. It is why you are there.
What are some of your objectives in your Thirty-One business?
· To sell product
· To book a party
· To recruit
· To introduce your business - network
Most people really don’t know what their objective is. Or they may choose an objective that does not serve their interest or requirements. Only by determining your objective precisely can you take the first step toward getting your point across.
Finding Your Objective
To determine your objective ask yourself the following questions:
· Why am I going there?
· What do I want to achieve?
· Why do I want to have that conversation?
· Why do I want to meet with this person?
· Why do I want this interview?
If two or more of your answers to these questions are the same, you have found your objective. Your objective is your Why. Once your objective is clear – once you know why – you can begin to prepare your message. Balance everything you plan to say against your objective. If your thoughts and words do not introduce, reinforce, or help your objective, go back to the drawing board. And when you know what your objective really is, stick to it.
Let’s think about your Thirty-One business –
1. You are hostess coaching. What is your objective?
· Increase product sales
2. You are at a Trade Show. What is your objective?
· To generate leads
3. You are doing a show presentation. What is your objective?
· Booking parties
· Recruiting
Your objective is your goal, purpose, or destination. It is why you are there. You do not have to state your objective except to yourself.
2. Who’s listening?
Once you have a clear-cut objective, you must then select the right person; someone who can fulfill your objective. Know your listener and what she wants.
· The right person – sometimes you have to talk to the wrong person to get to the right person. In direct sales it’s a number game. Every “yes” has 9 “no’s” behind it. Are you asking for referrals?
· Know who you’re talking to – In order to get your point across in 30 seconds or less, first determine your objective, and second, determine the right person or group of persons who can give you what you want. Then learn all you can about that person or group. Finally, and most important, know what that person or group is going to want from you. (Do you ask your hostesses about the people that will be attending her party?)
Before you begin to prepare your 30-second message, no matter what you want – to book a party, to recruit – you will have to know who will be listening. Identify with your listener. What does she want from you, and what one thing more than any other will get a favorable reaction from her?
Kim Washington's 30 Second Commercial:
I started with Thirty-One two years ago to be able to stay home with my 2 children while being able to provide additional income to my family. This opportunity has allowed me to take my family on 2 cruises, contribute to our monthly mortgage payment and I have been able to get my hair done and buy new outfits without feeling guilty. I enjoy the flexibility of my schedule to work just a couple of nights a week while having a fun time out. My favorite part of Thirty-One is all the great friendships I have made with my hostesses, customers and consultants.
Would you like to be able to stay home with your children?
Could you use an extra $200-$500 a month?
How would you like to earn trips and cash incentives?
As a leader for Thirty-One and a role model for my children I would like to help you and your family achieve your dreams no matter how small or big. Through the mission of Thirty-One, together we will Celebrate, Encourage and Reward eachother and other women while on our amazing Thirty-One journey. Who will be the next to join me?
-Courtney did "Tricks of the Trade" and created a wonderful folder filled with alot of great information on tricks for sponsoring, increasing sales, hostess coaching, etc. We all went through the documents and shared a trick that we especially liked. Some great ideas for bookings included leave a lead box in businesses you go to alot, put catalogs in waiting rooms, look for bulletin boards to leave business cards/flyers and wear a name tag to the grocery store. Sponsoring tricks included identifying personality types for better recruiting using the DISC method.D=Dominant(Confident, Authoritative, Determined), I=Expressive(Cheerful, Talkatie,Influencing), S=Steady Eddy(Quiet, Dependable,Stable), C=Analytical(Good listeners, cautious, reserved).Sales tricks included bundling products at your shows. Drop the price for several items as a group, give 10% off the customer's order if they spend $50 or give free shipping if they spend a certain amount.
Wish you all could have been there! Stay tuned for our next local December holiday team meeting. There will be no meeting in November.
Compelling Vision-October Contest
I would like to thank Ami Beery and Cheryl Strausser who were the only 2 that submitted their compelling Thirty-One vision to me for our contest. You ALL should have one either in the works or in your thoughts, but it is much better when it is written down and shared with others. CONGRATULATIONS to Ami as she is the winner of the $5.00 Target gift card.Below are Ami and Cheryl's compelling visions:
"My vision is to stay home and be there for my children. The visual is PTA President, picking up Noah in the car line and Adventure Island in the summer. Being able to get kids to soccer practice and be home when they are sick.
"The reason I am doing Thirty-One is the get my independence back, to pay off some bills and meet new and exciting people at the same time"
"To be able to stay home with my children and spend more time with them, to never have to return to punching an 8a-6p clock. I would like to also provide additional income to support my family and eventually be able to buy my husband a new car as well as retire him so he does not have to punch a clock either.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Powerful Quotes
-"Cherish your visions and your dreams as they are the children of your soul;the blueprint of your ultimate achievements"-Napoleon Hill
-The secret to your success is to do the common things uncommonly well. - Michael Clouse
-Getting people to like you is merely the other side of liking them. - Norman Vincent Peale
-He who refuses to embrace a unique opportunity loses the prize as surely as if he tried and failed. - William James
-Life is divided into three terms--that which was, which is and which will be. Let us learn from the past to profit by the present and from the present to live better for the future.- William Wordsworth
Creating your Compelling Vision (your "Why")-Contest
For many of us, including myself, we have a vision of where we want our Thirty-One business to take us but if we don't write it down or have a picture of that vision we most likely will not reach that goal. I challenge each of you to create your Compelling Vision whether it be to earn our Dream Incentives trip to Disney or the Cruise option or even to buy a new car, etc. Cut out photos of your goal, make a goal chart on how long it will take you to reach the goal but it needs to be a visual and it must be kept in a place or in places that you will see it every day and know "Why" you are working your Thirty-One business. I will share one of my compelling visions at our October team meeting and then post it after. Anyone that takes on this challenge will need to email me their compelling vision for doing Thirty-One and also share what their visual is. You can write it or even email me a photo. Everyone that shares it with my by Monday, Oct. 13th will be entered into a drawing for a $5.00 Target Gift Card!! I can't wait to hear all the wonderful reasons why each of you have joined Thirty-One.
September Recognition
Congratulations girls on a GREAT September!!! This is the BIGGEST selling season for direct sales companies but especially for Thirty-One with all the personalized gifts we have to offer our customers. There is still time to get on board and have a successful Fall that will lead you into having a successful New Year.
Total Downline Sales: $39,644.60
Kim's Team: $13,889.22
Top in Sales over $500:
Lori Potter $533.00
KandiBrown $672.65
Sandy Faber $737.10
Ami Beery $1,007.40
Catheleen Halfmann $1,039.40
Sara Lamb $1,064.60
Amanda Berglund $1,711.00
Kim Washington $2,003.45
Top in Dreambuilding:
Ami Beery - 3
Kim Washington - 3
Ilana Levy - 1
Catheleen Halfmann - 1
Jennae Tuzzulo - 1
Way to go!!!
October 11th Team Meeting
Our team meeting will be held at the Tarpon Turtle at 1:00pm. Our theme is Tricks and Treats! Bring potential consultants with you for incredible training, networking and giveaways! Please RSVP via evite by Wednesday, Oct. 8th at noon.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
September 13th Team Meeting Notes
Wow we had a fun meeting at Atlanta Bread Company!!! For those of you who were not able to attend here is what we discussed.
Overall Team Sales: $29,827.16
Our Team: $15,554.75
Sales Over $500:
Jennae Tuzzolo- HOT TAMALES!!! $2,251.75
Jessica Lambert- $1,664.45
Kim Washington- $1,567.75
Ashley Carter- $,341.75
Ami Beery- $1,012.56
Amanda Berglund- $995.10
Catheleen Halfmann- $806.20
Sara Lamb- $738.06
Dreambuilders (all had 1 new Consultant)
Ami Beery
Ilana Levy
Lacey Hall
Catheleen Halfmann
Amanda Berglund
Jessica Lambert
Kim Washington
1. "Click Clack Moo" Book on building a Team-Set goals for you personally as well as your team. The farm animals in this cute children's book shows how they had a goal and were determined to get the farmer to give into their demands.
2. We used playdough to form something that would represent our reasons for wanting to "make more dough" this fall. Jen Alfieri made a diploma to pay off school loans along with a plane to be able to travel and visit family, Monica Medina made a crib and baby for her new little one who is on the way. Everyone did a great job!!!
3. Set a Recruiting Goal for yourself through the end of the year. Do you want to recruit 1, 2, 3 etc. women each month?
4. Activity- List as many traits as you can of those you would like to be in women you bring into Thirty-One and on your team. Are you looking for someone you can trust, someone funny, organized, a good leader, etc? Rank those traits for the top 10 and then as you are speaking with women think about whether they meet those ideal traits.
5. Our Consultant Challenge was announced. From 9/15-10/15 any consultant who recruits a new consultant will have their name entered into a drawing for $31 in Thirty-One Merchandise of your choice. The more women you recruit the more chances you get into the drawing!
6. Our next local team meeting is Saturday, October 11th at 1pm. Location to be announced.
Monday, September 1, 2008
September Team Meeting Date
Our next team meeting is Saturday, September 13th from 10:00am-11:30am at the Atlanta Bread Company on Citrus Park Blvd., Tampa, FL near the Westfield Shopping Town Mall. Our theme will be a continuation from August's meeting of "Making More Dough" this Fall. Bring any potential recruits with you. Be prepared for great training and giveaways! Be sure to rsvp to your evite invitation already sent.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Thirtyonederful Team Meeting-8/23 Notes
We had a fun meeting today at Atlanta Bread Company and our theme was Going Green; "How to Make More "dough" this Fall". Our focus was on sponsoring and being a successful Dreambuilder. One part of our training was taken from the book, "More Build It BIG" from the Direct Selling Women's Alliance (www.dswa.org). The article was "Advance Your Recruiting with Appointments". You want to quickly find the Gem. Are you actively working your business-connecting with new people, enjoying good sales-but can't seem to grow your team? Chances are you are missing an important step: getting the appointment on your calendar. Industry statistics tell us that one out of 10 women who are interested will join our team. But, without an appointment we end up answering questions sporadically, in multiple phone calls. You should call within 24 hours to set up the appointment and set the expectation with your prospect that you will be calling. When you call her don't ask her if she has read the information you gave her because 90% of the time she hasn't. Be sure to paint the picture of what will happen when you meet at a neutral location (Starbucks, Atlantic Bread Company, McDonalds). I challenge each of you to start making a list of women that have expressed interest in the business and also include women who you may not have asked about joining Thirty-One. Call them and start setting up recruiting appointments. Email me your success stories! To assist you, below are a list of Recruiting Appointment Interview Questions to use during the one on one meeting:
1. Tell me why you agreed to see me today?
2. Have you ever done anything like this before?
3. What other work experiences have you had?
4. What clubs or organizations do your or your children belong to?
5. How will your family feel if you join Thirty-One?
6. How much time could you devote to this each week?
7. How much money would you like to make? What will you spend it on? (Your Why)
*On a scale of 1-10 (1 being "no way" and 10 being "sign me up". What would it take you to get to a 10?
We also talked about a "RECIPE FOR RELAXATION" for creating a sponsoring bag to give to potential recruits. Use the following and put on a pretty piece of paper. In a gift bag include a catalog, recruiting flyer or Living Your Dreams brochure, a Thirty-One map and the following items: votive candle, tea bag, chocolate, bath crystals or shower gel.
Pamper yourself and consider the possibility of owning your own business....I will call you in a few days to follow up.
Step 1 - Light a votive candle
Step 2 - Make a cup of tea
Step 3 - Eat a piece of chocolate
Step 4 - Fill your bathtub with bath crystals
Step 5 - Red the enclosed information
Step 6 - Think about what this opportunity can do for you
TEAM (Together Everyone Achieves More) Training with "The Crayon Box That Talked" book:
It relays that we are each unique and have different traits and as a team we can draw on all our strengths to build a strong team.
How does a box of crayons relate to a TEAM? As Jen Alfieri said at the meeting- "Without one of them they all fall out". And Kathy Ciokjlo said "You can create your own picture".
July Recognition
Congratulations to all of you that worked your business in July. What a FANTASTIC month we had as a team.
Overall Team Sales: $43,320,76
Ami Beery's Team: $27,118.57
Our Team: $16,202.19
Top in Sales- "Hot Tamales": Jessica Lambert $2,165.30
Sales over $1,000: Kim Washington $1,812.45
Catheleen Halfmann $1,537
Amanda Berglund $1,137.07
Ami Beery $1,127.00
Sarah Durspek $1,028.35
Sales over $500: Jen Alfieri $946.15
Dawn Darnell $819.35
Laura Hammock $671.00
Marisa Primozic $664.65
Krischelle Jones $555.75
Top "Lifesavers": Kandi Brown 2
Kim Washington 2
Dreambuilders with 1 New Recruit: Ami Beery
Mary Liedman
Ilana Levy
Laura Hammock
Catheleen Halfmann
Way to go girls!!!!!
Saturday, August 2, 2008
June Recognition
Sorry girls, I had not posted this after our team meeting on June 19th.
Downline Team Sales: $24,727.38
Team Sales: $9,255.65
Top in Sales ("Hot Tamales")
$3,339.62 Kim Washington
Sales over $500
$1,0002.40 Jen Alfieri
$825.77 Ashley Carter
$660.02 Ami Beery
$509.17 Michelle Brush
Top in Dreambuilding (Lifesavers)
7 Dreambuilders Kim Washington
1 or More Dreambuilders:
2 Ami Beery
1 Ilana Levy
1 Catheleen Halfmann
1 Jen Alfieri
1 Ashley Carter
**August Team Conference Call to be announced
**August Consultant Challenge to be announced
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Great Quotes
"Practice makes better, no one is perfect!"
- Ron Hudspeth
"You can get everything you want in life if you jut help enough other people get what they want.
-Zig Ziglar
"Ordinary people, achieving extraordinary things is the result of goal setting."
-Zig Ziglar
"The expert at anything was a beginner first"
-Zig Ziglar
Friday, July 4, 2008
June Recognition
This will be announced at our team meeting on July 19th and then posted here after the meeting.
Stay tuned for details.......
July Consultant Challenge
Here is your July Consultant Challenge should you choose to accept it!!
There are 40 of us on our team and every one of us is need to achieve our goal this month!!! The challenge has 2 parts and 2 ways to win; Bookings and Sponsoring!!!!!
When we reach 40 total home parties (catalog parties do not count) for the month of July I will give away $25 in NEW Fall Thirty-One merchandise of your choice to one lucky winner!!! What a great way to add an item or 2 to your kit. For each party you book or have booked and is listed on the team google calendar for July you will get 1 entry into the drawing. If you have 6 or more home parties booked in July you will earn double tickets. The consultant who has the most home parties booked will receive 10 extra tickets. You must have your show dates listed on the calendar by July 31st to receive credit for the drawing. We already have 18 home parties listed so we are almost halfway to reaching our team goal!!!!
So what do I need from you? I need to know your party dates!! All you have to do is enter your home parties on the calendar at www.google.com/calendar. Sign in using email address: kwashin@tampabay.rr.com and password: thirtyone. Once you have clicked on the current calendar you just need to click on the date of your show and a window will pop up asking you what the event is. Just put your name and HP(home party). If you have any questions, please let me know.
Our team goal is to sponsor 10 new consultants during July. When we reach 10 there will be a drawing. For every new consultant you sign up during July you will get 1 entry into a drawing for $15 of NEW Fall Thirty-One merchandise of your choice. If you sign up 3 consultants you will get double the entries! All I need you to do is ask every customer, every hostess and every person you meet. If you don’t share the opportunity you never know whose life you could have changed. And, you are not doing your job if you don’t offer the GIFT of Thirty-One.
There are 40 of us on our team and every one of us is need to achieve our goal this month!!! The challenge has 2 parts and 2 ways to win; Bookings and Sponsoring!!!!!
When we reach 40 total home parties (catalog parties do not count) for the month of July I will give away $25 in NEW Fall Thirty-One merchandise of your choice to one lucky winner!!! What a great way to add an item or 2 to your kit. For each party you book or have booked and is listed on the team google calendar for July you will get 1 entry into the drawing. If you have 6 or more home parties booked in July you will earn double tickets. The consultant who has the most home parties booked will receive 10 extra tickets. You must have your show dates listed on the calendar by July 31st to receive credit for the drawing. We already have 18 home parties listed so we are almost halfway to reaching our team goal!!!!
So what do I need from you? I need to know your party dates!! All you have to do is enter your home parties on the calendar at www.google.com/calendar. Sign in using email address: kwashin@tampabay.rr.com and password: thirtyone. Once you have clicked on the current calendar you just need to click on the date of your show and a window will pop up asking you what the event is. Just put your name and HP(home party). If you have any questions, please let me know.
Our team goal is to sponsor 10 new consultants during July. When we reach 10 there will be a drawing. For every new consultant you sign up during July you will get 1 entry into a drawing for $15 of NEW Fall Thirty-One merchandise of your choice. If you sign up 3 consultants you will get double the entries! All I need you to do is ask every customer, every hostess and every person you meet. If you don’t share the opportunity you never know whose life you could have changed. And, you are not doing your job if you don’t offer the GIFT of Thirty-One.
Fall Add on Kits
There are 2 add on kits and the cost is either $40 or $80 and you get nearly double the value in each kit. The add on kits are only available to purchase until July 15th so be sure to order them now. There is a link to Fall Add on Kits in your backoffice under the "order" tab. More details about the Fall Add on Kits can be found on www.thirtyonetoday.com under Blog Archives. The document is called "2008 Summer Checklist".
July Team Meeting
Please mark your calendars and be sure to RSVP for our July 19th team meeting. It will be held at the Tarpon Turtle Grill and Marina in Tarpon Springs. Meeting starts promptly at 2pm. There is s $5.00 charge and you will receive appetizers and soft drinks plus valuable training and a time to network with other consultants. Hope to see you there!
May Consultant Challenge Winner
Congratulations to Jen Alfieri. She was the winner of the Spa Gift Card drawing for having at least $1,000 in sales in May. Way to go Jen!
National Conference June 2008
WOW!!! What an amazing time we had at National Conference this year in Chattanooga, TN. Ami Beery walked across stage and received roses for promoting to Director this year. Courtney Hawkins, my sponsor also walked across stage as she promoted to Sr. Director this year. I received a plaque with my $1000 bonus for promoting to Director in 2007. The training by Kimberly Medlock and Shari Hudsputh was incredible and gave us all really great new tips and ideas to help our businesses grow this next year. We had the NEW Fall product reveal and the grand announcement that next year's conference will be held at WALT DISNEY WORLD at the Contemporary Hotel. My husband Dave helped Scott Monroe and the technical team and knew all the "inside" information but was sworn to secrecy!!! I can't wait until next year to have more of you attend so start saving now. You will not want to miss it!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Recognition for May
Overall Team Sales: $27,782
A BIG Whoo Hoo to Ami Beery and her fabulous team who sold $19,067.89!!!!
Kim's Team Sales: $8,714.11....Great Job Everyone! Let's reach at least $10,000 in June. I know we can do it!
Top Consultant for Sales: Myself at $2,502.37
Dreambuilders with 1 new recruit: Laura Hammock, Christina Lane and myself
Consultants with $500+ in sales:
Mary Liedman: $826.51
Ami Beery: $786.90
Jennifer Mixon: $762.40
Catheleen Halfmann: $685.70
May Team Challenge Winner
Congratulations to Catheleen Halfmann who is our May winner. She along with Mary Liedman, Ilana Levy and Jennifer Mixon were entered into a drawing based on meeting sales within $500-$999. She earns $10 in Thirty-One merchandise. Way to go!
Thursday, June 5, 2008
June Team Challenge
Here is our next Thirtyonederful Team Challenge. For those of you who are new consultants, I offer you monthly challenges to help with bookings, sales, recruiting,etc. It is a fun way to keep us working our business consistently while earning great prizes. It is based on the entire month of June for sales and dreambuilding. I will update you weekly as you near the goal. Email me if you are going to accept this challenge.
$1000+ in personal sales volume= Your name to be entered into a drawing for a $50 Gift Certificate to the Spa of your choice (Thanks to Mary Ussery, Sr. Director for this great idea!)
** For each additional $1000 in sales you achieve you will earn an extra chance in the drawing**
2+ dreambuilders(recruits)= Your name to be entered into a drawing for a $25 gift card to your favorite restaurant
**For each additional 2 dreambuilders you have you will earn an extra chance in the drawing**
So you have DOUBLE the chances to get in the drawing if you sell at least $1000 and have at least 2 dreambuilders!!!!
Let the games begin!
Monday, June 2, 2008
Positive Affirmations
I am healthy and happy.
I radiate love and happiness.
I deserve to be happy right now.
Success is flowing now into my life.
I believe in myself and so do others.
My calendar is always booked.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Kim's Office Hours
In order to balance my Thirty-One business with my family and personal commitments I have established office hours. Last year at National Conference I learned that this is a must. Plus it helps maintain my sanity! I highly recommend you all set some office hours for your business.
If you need me outside of these business hours, please email or call me me and I will get back to you as soon as possible. If something is of an urgent matter, please email me and put "urgent" in the subject line and I will respond to those emails first.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Quote of the Week
"For the dream of yesterday is the hope of today and the reality of tomorrow."-Anonymous
Kim's June Show Schedule for Shadowing
The best way to learn tips of how to have a successful show is to shadow me or another consultant near you. Please be sure to post your parties each month on our team google calendar at www.google.com/calendar. Login using my email address of kwashin@tampabay.rr.com and password is thirtyone. My June show schedule is below. If you would like to attend one of my shows with me, please email or call me.
June 9th @ 7:30pm- Clearwater
June 17th @ 6:30pm- Lutz
June 19th @ 6:30pm- Ruskin
June 20th @ 7pm-New Port Richey
June 21st @4pm-Tampa
June 22nd @3pm-Wesley Chapel
June 24th @7pm-New Port Richey
Booking Tips
-Remember to always REBOOK your hostess for a show 3-6 months from her current party. She will be eligible for the current $5.00 booking incentive and you will have a future show set.
-The yahoo group has a "Deal or No Deal" game posted. Be sure to check it out and try it at your shows.
-Have at least 3 booking products(ex. thermal tote, cosmetic bag, zipper pouch) to visually show your guests while talking about bookings. I have had success by doing this at my last 3 shows. First show I booked 3 shows. Second show I booked 2 shows and 3rd show I booked 1. Success with this will vary but I have 6 new shows on my calendar.
-Offer your guests theme parties to get them to be more excited about hosting a party. (ex. Mexican Fiesta, Chocoholics, Desperate Housewives). I have samples of these invitations so email me to request them.
-Go back to the basics and get on the phone. Make each caller feel special by offering them a Special Bonus Offer just for booking a party with you. (ex. thermal tote, wristlet, zipper pouch, word art). Let them know you have only a few dates left and you are trying to reach a goal and to reward them for helping you reach this goal you are offering them a special incentive
June Team Conference Call
Our next team conference call will be held on Tuesday, June 10th at 8:30pm EST. Stay tuned for more details.
May Challenge
Who will the winners be of our May Challenge? I hope you all are winners! You will be rewarded with Thirty-One merchandise for your sales and dream building results. Winners will be announced in June.
$500-$999 in Sales=All achievers will have name placed in a drawing for $10 in Thirty-One merchandise of your choice
$1000-$1999 in Sales= All achievers will have their name placed in a drawing for $20 in Thirty-One merchandise of your choice
$2000+ in Sales= All achievers will have their name placed in a drawing for $30 in Thirty-One merchandise of your choice
$1000-$1999 in Sales PLUS a new dreambuilder= All achievers will have their name placed ina drawing for $40 in Thirty-One merchandise of your choice
$2000+ in Sales PLUS a new dreambuilder= Achievers will have their name placed in a drawing for $50 in Thirty-One merchandise of your choice
**You can only be entered in one category above; either Sales or Sales plus dreambuilder
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