Friday, July 4, 2008

July Consultant Challenge

Here is your July Consultant Challenge should you choose to accept it!!

There are 40 of us on our team and every one of us is need to achieve our goal this month!!! The challenge has 2 parts and 2 ways to win; Bookings and Sponsoring!!!!!

When we reach 40 total home parties (catalog parties do not count) for the month of July I will give away $25 in NEW Fall Thirty-One merchandise of your choice to one lucky winner!!! What a great way to add an item or 2 to your kit. For each party you book or have booked and is listed on the team google calendar for July you will get 1 entry into the drawing. If you have 6 or more home parties booked in July you will earn double tickets. The consultant who has the most home parties booked will receive 10 extra tickets. You must have your show dates listed on the calendar by July 31st to receive credit for the drawing. We already have 18 home parties listed so we are almost halfway to reaching our team goal!!!!

So what do I need from you? I need to know your party dates!! All you have to do is enter your home parties on the calendar at Sign in using email address: and password: thirtyone. Once you have clicked on the current calendar you just need to click on the date of your show and a window will pop up asking you what the event is. Just put your name and HP(home party). If you have any questions, please let me know.

Our team goal is to sponsor 10 new consultants during July. When we reach 10 there will be a drawing. For every new consultant you sign up during July you will get 1 entry into a drawing for $15 of NEW Fall Thirty-One merchandise of your choice. If you sign up 3 consultants you will get double the entries! All I need you to do is ask every customer, every hostess and every person you meet. If you don’t share the opportunity you never know whose life you could have changed. And, you are not doing your job if you don’t offer the GIFT of Thirty-One.