Tuesday, December 9, 2008


-12/09  2 Day Sale ends at midnight today
-12/15  Deadline for non personalized party or retail orders
-12/19 Deadline to sign up for January Regional Conferences ($45; receive lunch, t-shirt, free Spring product, valuable training)
-12/20 Local Florida Holiday Party in Clearwater; 4:30pm
-12/31 Deadline to sell $500 and earn a new Spring Bowtie Purse for FREE
-5/22/09 Deadline for National Conference (located at Walt Disney World).  Sell at least $1,500 each month and earn $50 in Conference Dollars to use at conference)
** All details can be found at www.thirtyonetoday.com (user id:  consultant31, password: dream31)

Company Statistics- November

Amazing things happened with Thirty-One during the month of November. Per my weekly Director Call with Cindy Monroe check out these incredible stats!!! 
Total Company Sales:
Number of New Dreambuilder Signups:
Guest Show Average:
Number of Active Consultants:
Number of Selling Consultants:
Number of Directors:
Consultants Selling $2,000+:


November Team Recognition

WOW, what an incredible November we had!!!  Way to go on an awesome month.  
Overall Team Sales:  
$22, 692.93
Overall Dreabuilder Signups:
Consultants with sales over $1,000:
Ami Beery  $1,008.49
Theresa Patch  $1, 308.10
Yvette Musgrove $1 312.60
Kari Solomon $1,362.20
Catheleen Halfmann $1,697.62
Lori Potter $1,755.70
Amanda Berglund $1,774.15
Kim Washington $3, 139.35

Consultants with 2+ Dreambuilders:
Jen Tufford 2
Kim Washington 4

Consultants who earned the FREE Spring Thermal Tote:
Jeannie Poon
Robynne Moreno
Marisa Primozic
Jen Tufford
Valerie Matthews
Michelle Peacock
Jen Alfieri
Jessica Lambert
Taryn Homick
Ami Beery
Theresa Patch
Yvette Musgrove
Kari Solomon
Catheleen Halfmann
Lori Potter
Amanda Berglund
Kim Washington